The Ultimate WordPress Themes Benchmarks Speed Test ๐Ÿ•–

WordPress is the undisputed king of Content Management Systems, powering over 43% of all websites on the internet. From small blogs to enterprise-level sites, WordPress offers unparalleled control and flexibility. However, with great power comes great responsibility โ€“ especially when it comes to speed.

In my 20+ years of internet adventures (shoutout to mom!!), I’ve seen countless site owners fall into the same trap: choosing the wrong theme. It’s a decision that can cripple your site’s performance, frustrate your visitors, and tank your search rankings. With thousands of themes out there, one wrong choice can turn your WordPress dream into a sluggish nightmare.

Why does this matter? Because we’re living in the TikTok era, baby! In a world where people scroll through life at lightspeed, ain’t nobody got time for a slow-ass website. Your visitors are used to gobbling up content faster than you can say “swipe up.” If your site doesn’t load in a hot second, they’re already onto the next dopamine hit.

And Google? It’s even stricter about speed. That visually stunning, feature-packed theme you’re considering? It could be a performance nightmare. Without you realizing it, it might be slowing down your site, driving visitors away within seconds, and tanking your search rankings. In the world of 5-second TikToks and Instagram Reels, a slow website is digital suicide.

That’s where this guide comes in. We’re cutting through the noise to bring you the fastest WordPress themes of 2024, backed by real-world benchmarks and brutal honesty. No marketing fluff, no paid promotions โ€“ just raw speed data and insights to help you avoid the pitfalls of a slow WordPress site.

The Hunt for Speed

My search begins with themes I’ve encountered in the past, along with the best WordPress themes based on popularity, high numbers of downloads, and quality reviews. I also dig into the WordPress Repository to uncover hidden gems, newer themes, and highly-rated options that I might have missed before.

Got a speedy WordPress site you want me to check out? Use the theme detector Chrome extension to find out what theme it’s using and give me a shout in the comments!

What Makes These Themes Lightning Quick

Ever wondered why some themes zip along while others crawl? It’s not magic โ€“ it’s smart coding and optimization. Here’s the secret sauce:

  • Lean, Mean Code: These speed demons are built with minimal, efficient code. No bloat, no unnecessary features. Just pure performance.
  • Efficient Use of WordPress Hooks: Fast themes leverage WordPress action and filter hooks strategically. They avoid redundant hook calls and prioritize hooks that fire early in the WordPress loading sequence (like after_setup_theme) for critical setup tasks.
  • Optimized Database Queries: They use $wpdb->prepare() to prevent SQL injection and improve query efficiency. They also leverage WP_Query with specific arguments instead of query_posts(), and use transients to cache expensive queries.
  • Smart Enqueuing of Scripts and Styles: Fast themes use wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style() with the $in_footer parameter set to true for non-critical scripts. They also use WordPress’s built-in defer and async attributes for script loading.
  • Optimized Asset Loading: Fast themes load CSS and JavaScript files strategically. They defer non-critical scripts and prioritize above-the-fold content.
  • Lightweight Framework: The best performers use lightweight frameworks or custom-built solutions, avoiding heavy, all-purpose frameworks that slow things down.
  • Modular Architecture: These themes are built with a modular approach, allowing users to disable unused features and reduce load times.
  • Use of Native WordPress Functions: Instead of reinventing the wheel, they utilize native WordPress functions like wp_nav_menu() for navigation, which are often more optimized than custom solutions.
  • Responsive Design Done Right: They use mobile-first approaches and efficient responsive techniques that don’t bog down your site.
  • Leverage of WordPress REST API: For dynamic content loading, these themes utilize the WordPress REST API instead of traditional AJAX calls, reducing server load and improving perceived performance.

My Testing Setup

Clean Wordpress Installation

I start with a clean WordPress install, nothing fancy, no extra plugins or content – just WordPress in its purest form. Then, I install each theme one by one, leaving them exactly as they come out of the box. No tweaking, no optimizing – if it’s not fast straight out of the gate, it doesn’t make the cut.

To test these themes, I use the tools we all know and love: GTmetrix, Pingdom, and Google PageSpeed Insights. I run each theme through these tests multiple times, on both mobile and desktop to make sure the results are consistent and reflect what you’d experience in the real world. This isn’t about finding the absolute fastest theme in some optimized, theoretical scenario.

I’m not just looking at load times, though, I dive into things like First Contentful Paint, Largest Contentful Paint, and other metrics that give us a real sense of how fast these themes feel to actual users.

The Setup:

  • I use a pristine WordPress sandbox on All-Inkl’s L-Server hosting package (the fastest hosting provider I tested to date). This way, every theme starts on a level playing field.
  • I install each theme in its default state – no extra media, menus, pages, or posts. No demo content, no assigned homepages. Just the theme as it comes out of the box.
  • I test under various real-world conditions, including different device types and network speeds. Your site visitors aren’t all using the same setup, so why should I?
  • I run multiple tests for each theme. This helps me account for variations and ensure I’m getting consistent results.
  • I publish all my test results in full. You can dive into the details and draw your own conclusions – I’ve got nothing to hide.

This is how I ensure I’m giving you the most accurate, real-world performance data for these themes. No fancy labs, no hidden agendas – just straightforward testing to find the speediest WordPress themes out there.

1. PageSpeed Insights

Google’s PageSpeed Insights is all about that user experience, baby. It tells me how quickly your visitors are actually seeing and interacting with your site.

Pagespeed Insights Screenshot

Key metrics I’m eyeballing:

  • Performance Score: Out of 100, for both mobile and desktop.
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP): Time taken to show the first content item.
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Time taken to show the largest content item.
  • Speed Index: How quickly content items appear to the user.
  • Time to Interactive: When the user can actually interact with page elements.
  • Total Blocking Time: Time spent waiting for downloads to start.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures the page’s visual stability.

2. GTmetrix

GTmetrix is like that friend who always tells you when you have spinach in your teeth. It’s brutally honest about performance issues and lets me know if a theme is carrying too much baggage.


Key metrics I’m eyeballing:

  • GTmetrix Grade: A weighted grade based on both Performance and Structure scores.
  • Performance Score: The Lighthouse Performance score captured during tests.
  • Structure Score: Based on Lighthouse audits and GTmetrix’s custom audits.
  • Web Vitals: These include Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Total Blocking Time (TBT), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

3. Pingdom

Pingdom is my backup singer. It harmonizes with GTmetrix, but sometimes it hits a different note, which helps me catch any sneaky discrepancies.

Pingdom Tools Screenshot

Key metrics I’m eyeballing:

  • Performance Grade: A cumulative grade out of 100.
  • Load Time: The time it takes to load the entire website with a theme installed.
  • Page Size: The size of total site files. Lower is better!
  • Requests: The number of server requests to deliver the theme and site content.

4. Uptrends

Last but not least, I use Byte Check to measure TTFB (Time to First Byte). It’s like testing how quickly your theme can say “Hello!” to your visitors.

Uptrends Screenshot

Key metrics I’m eyeballing:

  • Time To First Byte (TTFB): How long it takes for the first byte of data to reach the user.
  • Total Time: Often the same as TTFB in my tests.
  • Request Size: The size of data sent through the HTTP request.
  • Total Header Size: The total file size of your theme/website header.

Look, I know this might seem like overkill. But here’s the deal: when it comes to WordPress performance, the devil’s in the details. By putting these themes through this gauntlet, I’m making sure you get the real scoop on which themes are truly speed demons and which ones are just all talk.

The Results

Generatepress Screenshot


GeneratePress is a lightweight WordPress theme known for its focus on speed and flexibility. It offers a modular design that allows users to enable or disable features as needed. The theme is compatible with major page builders and the WordPress block editor. In our performance tests, GeneratePress achieved a 100% performance score on GTmetrix and showed notably quick load times across various metrics, particularly on desktop devices where it registered sub-second times for key Web Vitals measurements.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): FCP: 0.9s, LCP: 1.1s, TTI: 0.9s, CLS: 0
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): FCP: 0.2s, LCP: 0.3s, TTI: 0.2s, CLS: 0 TTFB: 50 ms
  • GTmetrix: Performance: 100%, Structure: 99%, LCP: 500 ms
  • Pingdom: Load Time: 500 ms

Oceanwp2 Screenshot


OceanWP is a versatile WordPress theme that offers a range of customization options and is compatible with popular page builders. It’s designed to be adaptable for various types of websites. In our performance tests, OceanWP showed strong results across different testing platforms. It achieved high scores on GTmetrix for both performance and structure, with a sub-second Largest Contentful Paint. The theme demonstrated notable differences in performance between mobile and desktop environments, with desktop scores being particularly strong across various metrics.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): Score 88, FCP 3.0s, LCP 3.0s, TTI 3.1s, TBT 70ms, CLS 0
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): Score 97, FCP 0.9s, LCP 1.0s, TTI 0.9s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • GTmetrix: Performance 99%, Structure 95%, LCP 780ms, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • Pingdom: Grade 91, Load Time 750ms

Elementor Screenshot

Hello Elementor

Hello Elementor is a lightweight, minimalist theme designed specifically to work with the Elementor page builder. It’s marketed as a blank canvas for Elementor users to build upon. In our performance tests, Hello Elementor achieved perfect scores in some areas, including 100% for GTmetrix performance. The theme showed varying results between mobile and desktop environments, with desktop metrics generally outperforming mobile. Hello Elementor demonstrated consistent sub-second load times for several key metrics on desktop, while mobile scores were also strong but with longer load times for some metrics.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): Score 93, FCP 2.5s, LCP 2.6s, TTI 2.5s, TBT 50ms, CLS 0
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): Score 99, FCP 0.7s, LCP 0.8s, TTI 0.7s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • GTmetrix: Performance 100%, Structure 96%, LCP 730ms, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • Pingdom: Grade 92, Load Time 770ms

Neve Screenshot


Neve is a multipurpose WordPress theme known for its speed and flexibility. It’s designed to be lightweight and compatible with popular page builders. In our performance tests, Neve achieved high scores across all testing platforms. The theme received perfect 100% scores in several categories, including GTmetrix Performance and PageSpeed Insights for both mobile and desktop. Neve demonstrated consistently fast load times across various metrics, with particularly strong results in Largest Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive. The theme showed minimal differences between mobile and desktop performance, maintaining strong scores in both environments.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): Score 100, FCP 1.0s, LCP 1.0s, TTI 1.0s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): Score 100, FCP 0.3s, LCP 0.4s, TTI 0.3s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • GTmetrix: Performance 100%, Structure 99%, LCP 490ms, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • Pingdom: Grade 98, Load Time 590ms



Astra is a popular WordPress theme known for its speed, lightweight design, and extensive customization options. It’s compatible with major page builders and offers a variety of starter templates. In our performance tests, Astra achieved perfect scores in several categories, including 100% on GTmetrix Performance and PageSpeed Insights for both mobile and desktop. The theme demonstrated consistently fast load times across various metrics, with particularly strong results in Largest Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive. Astra showed some variation between mobile and desktop performance, with desktop metrics generally outperforming mobile, though both environments maintained high scores.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): Score 100, FCP 1.1s, LCP 1.2s, TTI 1.1s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): Score 100, FCP 0.3s, LCP 0.3s, TTI 0.3s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • GTmetrix: Performance 100%, Structure 98%, LCP 650ms, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • Pingdom: Grade 98, Load Time 530ms

Zakra Screenshot


Zakra is a versatile WordPress theme designed for speed and flexibility. It offers a range of customization options and is compatible with popular page builders. In our performance tests, Zakra achieved high scores across various testing platforms. The theme received a perfect 100% score in GTmetrix Performance and PageSpeed Insights for desktop. Zakra demonstrated fast load times in several key metrics, including a sub-second Largest Contentful Paint in GTmetrix. The theme showed some differences between mobile and desktop performance, with desktop metrics generally showing faster load times, though both environments maintained strong scores overall.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): Score 99, FCP 1.5s, LCP 1.6s, TTI 1.5s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): Score 100, FCP 0.5s, LCP 0.5s, TTI 0.5s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • GTmetrix: Performance 100%, Structure 98%, LCP 520ms, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • Pingdom: Grade 96, Load Time 520ms

Twentytwenty Screenshot

Twenty Twenty

Twenty Twenty is a default WordPress theme designed to take full advantage of the block editor. It offers a clean, minimalist design and flexibility for various types of content. In our performance tests, Twenty Twenty achieved high scores across different testing platforms. The theme received perfect 100% scores in GTmetrix Performance and PageSpeed Insights for both mobile and desktop. Twenty Twenty demonstrated fast load times in several key metrics, including a notably quick Pingdom Load Time. The theme showed some variation between mobile and desktop performance, with desktop metrics generally showing faster load times, though both environments maintained strong scores.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): Score 100, FCP 1.1s, LCP 1.3s, TTI 1.1s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0.003
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): Score 100, FCP 0.4s, LCP 0.5s, TTI 0.5s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0.001
  • GTmetrix: Performance 100%, Structure 97%, LCP 650ms, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • Pingdom: Grade 97, Load Time 320ms

Twentytwentytwo Screenshot

Twenty Twenty-Two

Twenty Twenty-Two is a default WordPress theme that embraces full-site editing capabilities. It offers a wide range of pre-designed block patterns and templates for customization. In our performance tests, Twenty Twenty-Two showed varied results across different testing platforms. The theme achieved high scores in GTmetrix, with 99% for Performance and 98% for Structure. PageSpeed Insights results differed between mobile and desktop, with desktop showing higher scores. The theme demonstrated some variability in key metrics across different tests, particularly in Largest Contentful Paint and Cumulative Layout Shift between mobile and desktop environments.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): Score 74, FCP 1.1s, LCP 4.1s, TTI 1.2s, TBT 40ms, CLS 0.52
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): Score 86, FCP 0.4s, LCP 0.5s, TTI 0.4s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0.88
  • GTmetrix: Performance 99%, Structure 98%, LCP 580ms, TBT 0ms, CLS 0.07
  • Pingdom: Grade 97, Load Time 730ms

Sydney Screenshot


Sydney is a versatile WordPress theme designed for businesses and freelancers. It offers customization options and is compatible with popular page builders. In our performance tests, Sydney achieved high scores across various testing platforms. The theme received a perfect 100% score in GTmetrix Performance and PageSpeed Insights for desktop. Sydney demonstrated fast load times in several key metrics, including a sub-second Largest Contentful Paint in GTmetrix. The theme showed some differences between mobile and desktop performance, with desktop metrics generally showing faster load times, though both environments maintained strong scores overall. Sydney’s Time to First Byte was notably quick in our tests.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): Score 99, FCP 1.6s, LCP 1.6s, TTI 1.6s, TBT 70ms, CLS 0
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): Score 100, FCP 0.4s, LCP 0.5s, TTI 0.4s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • GTmetrix: Performance 100%, Structure 98%, LCP 500ms, TBT 0ms, CLS 0
  • Pingdom: Grade 97, Load Time 660ms

Hestia Screenshot


Hestia is a multipurpose WordPress theme known for its modern design and flexibility. It’s compatible with popular page builders and offers a variety of customization options. In our performance tests, Hestia showed varied results across different testing platforms. The theme achieved a perfect 100% score in GTmetrix Performance, with a Largest Contentful Paint of 665ms. PageSpeed Insights results differed significantly between mobile and desktop, with desktop showing higher scores. Hestia demonstrated some variability in key metrics across different tests, particularly in First Contentful Paint and Largest Contentful Paint between mobile and desktop environments. The theme’s Time to First Byte was 54ms in our tests.

  • PageSpeed Insights (Mobile): Score 88, FCP 3.0s, LCP 3.0s, TTI 3.0s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0.007
  • PageSpeed Insights (Desktop): Score 99, FCP 0.8s, LCP 0.9s, TTI 0.8s, TBT 0ms, CLS 0.011
  • GTmetrix: Performance 100%, Structure 95%, LCP 670ms, TBT 0ms, CLS 0.01
  • Pingdom: Grade 92, Load Time 560ms

๐Ÿฅ‡ My Winner Pick (Not Sponsored!!)

Generatepress Screenshot


Let me be crystal clear: GeneratePress is the best WordPress theme out there, period. I’ve tested dozens of themes, and nothing comes close to the raw speed and efficiency of GeneratePress. It’s not just fast; it’s blazingly, ridiculously fast.

But speed isn’t everything, and that’s where GeneratePress truly shines. It strikes the perfect balance between performance and functionality. I can build any type of site I want without the bloat that comes with most other themes. The level of control it gives me is unmatched. I can toggle features on and off at will, fine-tuning my site’s performance to perfection.

What seals the deal for me is how future-proof GeneratePress is. It works flawlessly with Gutenberg, plays nice with all major page builders, and is constantly updated to keep up with WordPress core. I never have to worry about compatibility issues or my site breaking after an update.

The support is top-notch too. I’ve never waited more than a few hours for a response, and the solutions are always spot-on. It’s clear that the team behind GeneratePress actually cares about their product and their users.

Yes, there are flashier themes out there. Yes, some themes come with more built-in designs. But none of that matters if your site runs like a snail. With GeneratePress, I get speed, flexibility, and reliability all in one package. It’s the foundation of every site I build, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you’re not using GeneratePress, you’re honestly doing yourself a disservice. It’s THAT good.

GeneratePress Premium + GenerateBlocks Pro = โค๏ธ

Let’s talk about taking GeneratePress to the next level. GP Premium isn’t just an upgrade; it’s a game-changer. And when you pair it with GenerateBlocks Pro? You’ve got an unstoppable combination. It’s what I use on this very site, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Don’t be fooled by themes that promise the moon with flashy demos. GeneratePress Pro and GenerateBlocks Pro deliver where it counts: in real-world performance and flexibility. It’s the toolkit that grows with you, never holding you back or bogging you down.

If you’re serious about WordPress development, this is the combo you need. It’s what powers this site, and it’s the foundation of every project I take on. Anything else is just settling for second best.

๐Ÿฅˆ Honorable Mention



Look, GeneratePress is king, but I’ve got to give credit where it’s due. Astra is a solid runner-up in the speed game. It’s like the scrappy underdog that refuses to give up.

Astra’s got game when it comes to performance. It’s lightweight, flexible, and plays nice with page builders. The free version is surprisingly capable, and the pro version kicks it up a notch with some serious customization options.

Is it GeneratePress? No. But it’s a damn sight better than most of the bloated messes out there calling themselves “themes.” If for some reason you can’t use GeneratePress (and seriously, what reason could there be?), Astra is a decent Plan B.

It’s fast, it’s customizable, and it won’t make you want to tear your hair out. In the world of WordPress themes, that’s saying something. Just remember, it’s called an “honorable mention” for a reason. GeneratePress is still the undisputed champ in my book.

Full Comparison Table ๐Ÿ’ก

Hello Elementor932.5s2.6s2.5s50ms0990.7s0.8s0.7s0ms0100%96%730ms0ms092770ms60ms
Twenty Twenty1001.1s1.3s1.1s0ms0.0031000.4s0.5s0.5s0ms0.001100%97%650ms0ms097320ms80ms
Twenty Twenty-Two741.1s4.1s1.2s40ms0.52860.4s0.5s0.4s0ms0.8899%98%580ms0ms0.0797730ms54ms

Note: PSIM = PageSpeed Insights Mobile, PSI = PageSpeed Insights, FCP = First Contentful Paint, LCP = Largest Contentful Paint, TTI = Time to Interactive, TBT = Total Blocking Time, CLS = Cumulative Layout Shift, TTFB = Time to First Byte

Here’s a comprehensive list of WordPress themes I’ve encountered and partially tested over time. While not all of these have undergone full performance testing yet, I plan to expand my in-depth analysis to cover more themes in the future.

Avada, Divi, Genesis Framework, Storefront, Kadence, Blocksy, Unicon, Enfold, BeTheme, The7, X Theme, Salient, Uncode, Jupiter, Porto, Bridge, Impreza, Newspaper, KALLYAS, Gillion, Twenty Twenty-Three, Phlox, Ashe, Vantage, ColorMag, Spacious, Schema, Rehub, OnePress, Responsive, Customizr, WP Bootstrap Starter, Shapely, Bento, Allegiant, Hemingway, Bravada, Zerif Lite, Mesmerize, Virtue, Flash, OnePage, Illdy, Deep, ShopIsle, Ascend, Magplus, Ember, Writee, Oshine, TrueMag, Brando, H-Code, Cesis, Grand Portfolio, Groupon, XStore, Hemp, Verve, Massive Dynamic, Listify, Listable, Civic, Fashionista, Giga, Dandelion, Glamour, Flox, Euphony, Apollo, Plexus, Bazar, Grido, Calista, Clarity, Streamline, Agency Pro, Electro, Woodmart, Freelance, Jannah, Karma, Dreamscape, Barta, One Page, Marquee, Petra, Skyline, ProPhoto, Gigs, Vertex, Athena, Hotel Booking, Bricks, Lucid, Techno, Atlas, Stash, Pinnacle, Divergent, Meridian, Frontier, Concept, Nexus, Inspire, Natura, Business Point, Leto, Didi, Upthemes, Dazzling, Perfect, Agency, Nikkon, Enigma, Fremedy, Doran, Baskerville, Hitchcock, ScrapBook, Kalon, Zenith, Creatica, Landis, Newspaper X, Showcase, Epic, GutenMag, Gilles, Unwind, Ventura, Lumi, WP-Dynamic, Aston, Digital, Stylish, TheCraft, Radiate, Healthflex, Exford, UrbanMag, Fast, Techy, Astrid, Riga, Gusto, Perle, Talon, Extra, Eden, Rishi, Soledad, Kalium, Oxygen, Spark, SimpleMag, Ronneby, Monstroid, Flatsome, Jevelin, Betheme, Momentum, Kleo, Movedo, Weston, Optimizewp, Fargo, Ultra, Bimber, Patron, Newspaper, Nanosoft, Osmosis, Pixelgrade, Divi Builder, Specular, Themify Ultra, Houzez, Directory, Travelo, Findeo, Motors, Real Homes, Charity, Seosight, Educativo, Bodega, Yith Wonder, Zigcy Lite, Finbank, Consulto, Mediz, Gostudy, Medicate, Ecoswift, Buildnox, Medizco, Lawsight, Beaver Builder Theme

Which theme on this list would you like to see fully tested next? Let me know in the comments below! Your input will help shape the direction of future performance benchmarks.

Tips to Improve Your WordPress Speed (when your stuck with a bloated theme)

Look, I get it. Sometimes you’re stuck with a theme because it’s a client requirement, or you’ve just invested too much time to switch now. Don’t panic. While I’d always recommend a lean theme like GeneratePress, there’s still hope for your sluggish site. Here are some immediate steps you can take to breathe some life into that bloated beast:

  1. Get a fast hosting provider (this should be self-explanatory, but if you’re looking for the fastest, check out my test).
  2. Go ham on image optimization. Compress every image on your site using tools like ShortPixel, Imagify, or Squoosh. This alone can shave seconds off your load time.
  3. Cache like your site’s life depends on it (because it does). Install WP Fastest Cache and configure it aggressively.
  4. Use CloudeFlare APO!! (I’ll tell you exactly how to configure everything step-by-step in my upcoming Speed Guide)
  5. Clean up your database. Use Perfmatters or Advanced Database Cleaner to clear out post revisions, spam comments, and other cruft that’s slowing you down.
  6. Minimize HTTP requests. Combine CSS and JavaScript files where possible (also with Perfmatters). Every request is a potential bottleneck.
  7. Leverage browser caching. Set long expiry times for static resources to reduce server load and speed up repeat visits.
  8. Optimize your web fonts. If your theme is loading a ton of fonts, pare it down to just what you need. Self-host if possible. Set them to display: swap; and preload them.
  9. Audit your plugins. Deactivate and delete any that you’re not actively using. Each one is a potential performance sink. I have some good recommendations for lightweight WordPress plugins here.

These steps can dramatically improve your site’s performance, even with a bloated theme. You’d be surprised how much speed you can squeeze out of a less-than-ideal setup.

But here’s the thing: this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to go deeper and really master the art of optimizing even the most stubborn, bloated WordPress setups, keep an eye out for my upcoming The-Ultimate-WordPress-Speed-Optimization-Guide.pdf (I promise I’ll drop it soon).

This guide isn’t just about switching to a faster theme (though that’s always a good move). It’s about squeezing every last drop of performance out of whatever setup you’re working with. Whether you’re dealing with client requirements, complex sites, or just can’t make the switch right now, this guide will show you how to make your WordPress site fly, regardless of your theme. Stay tuned…relief is on the way.

What Next?

Got questions about my process? Think I missed something? Drop a comment below and let’s chat. After all, while I’m doing the testing, we’re all in this speed-hunting game together!

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